Travel grants up to $15,000 and Pilot applications up to $25,000
Upcoming deadlines
- March 1, 2025
- May 1, 2025
- August 1, 2025
- November 1, 2025
- Feb 1, 2026
- May 1, 2026
- August 1, 2026
Doctoral Students & Junior Faculty
The Weiss Fund for Research in Development Economics will award exploratory grants to PhD students and junior faculty to finance travel to meet with organizations working in developing countries (non-profit organizations, for-profit organizations, and governments are all eligible) that are interested in collaborating with researchers on a project that could potentially qualify for Weiss Fund support, and to finance other exploratory work, including piloting projects in the field.
Funding for piloting and travel grants will typically not exceed $15,000. In special cases where the project is closely linked to evaluation of a large implementer, the Weiss Fund would consider larger proposals.
While there may be exceptions, funding will typically not exceed $5,000 for undergraduates and master’s degree students.
Review the full details of eligibility here.
Project Guidelines
The Weiss Fund is funded by the CRI Foundation and aims to sponsor research that will positively affect the lives of poor people in poor countries. The potential impact of research on the poor can be long run, research can duplicate an existing study in a different context, or it can investigate a negative result – showing that something that is widely done has no impact or less impact than is normally believed. The research could seek to discover flaws in past research findings. Research that challenges conventional wisdom is encouraged. Cross-disciplinary work is welcome.
The Program only funds research in countries, regions, or populations with per capita GDP below $11,000 in current USD; and has a preference for supporting work in countries, regions, or populations with per capita GDP below $5,500. Countries’ GDP per capita is determined according to the most recent data available from the World Bank Open Data portal. The Program does not fund research in developed countries, even on low-income populations within these countries.
Examples of Weiss Fund projects range from assessments of various health and education initiatives, such as:
- The health effects of indoor spraying of DDT, adding folic acid and iron to foods, or dispensing Norplant;
- Effects of specific programs on civil society;
- Assessment on the total effects of participation of NGOs or public foreign institutions or for-profit companies in providing services normally provided by domestic institutions;
- Macroeconomic effects of capital inflows (including remittances, aid, or expenditures by NGOs);
- Understanding the impact of NGOs’ and aid agencies’ policies regarding local hiring and purchasing on wages, cost of commercial property, and the exchange rate;
- Redoing previous randomized evaluations to control for spillover effects such as the effects of micro-finance and remittances on expenditures on weddings, funerals, festivals, and other status goods;
- Explore Previous Weiss Fund Projects.
The publication and dissemination of well-designed and implemented research on programs affecting the poor is important in helping donors, governments and NGOs improve their policies and programming. However, the prospects for publication in top journals will not directly enter into funding decisions.
The program seeks to avoid financing research that should be funded by for profit companies that will directly benefit from the results.
Replication studies
In addition to standard research proposals for original research, we are also interested in funding proposals for replication and for connecting NGO and government policymakers with research, as discussed below.
The Weiss Fund is interested in supporting high-quality, policy-relevant replication studies. We recognize that many studies have some elements that are original and others that replicate earlier work, and such hybrid studies are also of interest. Applicants proposing replication studies should outline the current state of the literature and what the proposed replication would add. Replication study proposals should describe both the similarities and differences with the existing studies on the topic. They should also outline how the replication might inform efforts to develop generalizable policy-relevant lessons. In addition to discussing the value of generating estimates in a different context, replication study proposals should also compare the proposed implementation approach with that in existing studies. For example, if they propose to vary the implementation conditions by moving from the equivalent of an efficacy trial to an effectiveness trial, or from small-scale NGO implementation to large-scale government implementation, they should discuss that.
Budget Guidelines
Funding decisions will be based on the balance of the benefits and cost of the project. The Selection Committee will not look favorably on proposals that appear budgeted to hit the maximum limits.
The EOIs will be judged based on expected return per dollar of funding requested. The Weiss Fund takes value for money very seriously. Budget narratives should include a short explanation about the proposed work’s cost effectiveness, marginal impact and pathways to scale.
Eligible costs
Funding is limited to covering the cost of specific projects and is not available for tuition, researcher salaries, and/or stipends. Typical expenses covered include travel to collect data or other direct data collection costs, materials, data purchase, and research assistant time. Any equipment purchased with the grant should be donated to a non-profit organization after completion of the study; if the applicant has other plans, these should be described briefly within the proposal. While data entry and data aggregation costs are eligible, undergraduates and graduate students will not normally receive funding to hire research assistants.
Indirect costs (e.g., a percentage for overhead) are not eligible. If appropriate, costs for items such as office rent in the developing country or accounting services are eligible, but only if directly attributable to the project and itemized in the proposed budget. Thus, for example, an applicant who plans to work with an organization like Innovations for Poverty Action must itemize and justify specific expenses. Do not simply include overhead or a “country management fee” as a fixed percentage of other costs.
Budget and budget narrative
The proposal is to include a detailed budget spreadsheet (in Excel) describing the anticipated budget, including project costs and sources of funding obtained or requested. The budgeted costs should be as frugal as possible and clearly justified; budgets that appear to be padded will be viewed negatively by the committee. For example, the Weiss Fund will only support economy class airfare and modest lodging costs. Budgets will be independently reviewed and costs found to exceed publicly available prices will be questioned and, if not adequately explained, rejected. Discovery of such budget issues may delay the review timeline and, per the Evaluation Criteria, affect approval of the proposal as a whole. We would also like to see evidence that alternative sources of funding are being pursued and that there are efforts to catalyze additional funding.
Funding should be disaggregated by source and status (e.g., obtained, requested), and the allocation of funds to costs should be specified. The accompanying budget narrative should list the period for which the award is requested, explain the proposed project budget and provide justification for the amount being requested from the Weiss Fund in the context of other funding obtained or to be sought. The narrative should include brief justification/context for the main budget items such as enumerator or RA costs (including appropriateness of the level of compensation). It should also describe the contributions expected of the research partner(s) (e.g., NGO, government, for-profit firm), if any, whether monetary or in-kind. If no contribution is expected of the research partner, this should be stated clearly.
The Weiss fund budget template can be accessed here.
Submitting multiple proposals
Submission of multiple proposals should not be used to circumvent budget limits. If you submit more than one proposal in a funding round, please indicate your priority ranking, discuss any budget complementarities and potential cost savings, and explain whether and how you will have enough time to implement more than one project in the proposed timeline.
Funding from other sources
Funding should be disaggregated by source and status (e.g., obtained, requested), and the allocation of funds to costs should be specified. Whenever a project submitted to the Weiss Fund is co-funded, applicants should indicate what the marginal contribution of Weiss funding would be (i.e. what a grant from the Weiss Fund would allow the applicant to do that would not be possible otherwise). An example budget submitted by successful applicants from a previous round is provided here.
If applicable, the budget narrative should also describe the contributions expected of the research partner(s) (e.g., NGO, government, for-profit firm), if any, whether monetary or in-kind. If no contribution is expected of the research partner, this should be stated clearly.
If at any point during or after the application and review process you receive other awards for your proposed project, please email within one week with an explanation of how this affects the proposed overall Weiss budget and how costs shift accordingly.
Evaluation Criteria
Projects will be judged by a committee of PhD economists. Expected impact per dollar spent will be the overriding criteria. Projects will be judged based on:
- The ability of the applicant(s) to successfully implement the proposal.
- Letter of recommendation, for students.
- Potential long-run impact on the well-being of people in less developed countries.
- Appropriateness of proposed budget, alternative sources of funding being adequately pursued, marginal impact, pathways to scale, and catalyzation of additional funding. The budget should be as frugal as possible and clearly justified.
The Weiss Fund will aim to notify applicants of their decision within two months of the application deadline. The review committee will evaluate each submitted application and either:
- approve project funding
- decline the request
- ask the applicant to revise and resubmit a full proposal either in the same round, or the following round.
Award Rules
Actual receipt of funding cannot take place until procedures at the relevant institution have been completed. For pilot grants, awardees must provide evidence of human subjects’ review approval, or of an exemption.
Winners of awards will be expected to utilize the Weiss Fund online grant management portal (also used for application submission). Award notifications and reports will be routed through this system.
Winners of awards are required to submit the following progress reports.
Programmatic reporting
- Submit progress reports every six months (semi-annually starting 6 months after the start of the project);
- Submit a final project report (due within 3 months of the project end date);
- Notify the Weiss Fund of publications from the Weiss-funded project;
- Acknowledge financial support from The Weiss Fund. Presentations and publications about the funded project should indicate: “This research is funded by The Weiss Fund for Research in Development Economics at the University of Chicago.”
Funding management and reporting
Funding for research grants will be made in 3 tranches, as follows:
- 30% of approved total budget upon full execution of the award agreement between the University of Chicago and the awardee institution;
- 50% of approved total budget upon receipt and approval of an interim financial report due starting 6 months from the project start date;
- 20% of approved total budget upon completion of the project and receipt of the final financial report due within 3 months of the project end date;
- Awardees may request earlier release or higher % of funding by submitting a formal request with justification for deviation to The Weiss Fund. Approval is subject to review by staff and committee.
- Changes to a cost category that exceed a 10% change up or down require submission of a budget realignment to the Weiss Fund.
Funding reporting schedule:
- An interim financial report due 6 months from the project start date.
- A final financial report due within 3 months of the project end date.
Grant recipients are expected to meet with a representative of The Weiss Fund to discuss the progress of their work. Once grants have been awarded, researchers will have complete academic freedom, subject to the normal rules of their institution.
Grant recipients must adhere to these terms of award. Non-compliance with these requirements may affect your eligibility for future Weiss Fund opportunities.
Application Instructions
All applications from Universities other than the University of Chicago must follow the grant application procedures established by their home institutions. In many cases, this includes sending the grant application to the home-institution Sponsored Projects Office (SPO) for review and approval at least 1-2 weeks prior to the application deadline.
It is the applicant’s responsibility to comply with any procedures mandated by their home institution; The Weiss Fund is unable to provide assistance or extensions to accommodate these internal processes.
Weiss Fund Application Form Overview, this document contains all questions included in the Weiss Fund’s online application form to be submitted here.
You will need the following PDF documents to complete your application:
- CV for all PI’s and CoPI’s
- PDF document with a maximum two pages;
- Unofficial transcript for all student PI’s and CoPI’s;
- Budget in Excel and PDF printable version
- Please use the Weiss Fund budget template.
- Proposals subject to travel are to include a comprehensive quotation from Expedia, delineating the cost associated with hotel accommodation and flight fares.
- Proposal
- Research Proposal: Maximum 750 words total, double-spaced, 12-point font, including footnotes. Proposal should explain what the organization does, what potential research project or projects would be explored, and what communication the researcher and the organization have already had. PhD students should describe any prior previous field experience. We will only fund proposals for pilot studies which are planned and ready to be implemented. If you are not yet ready to pilot, we prefer an initial proposal to travel for exploratory work, and a subsequent proposal for piloting. For example, instead of applying for a $15,000 grant for exploratory travel and piloting, a researcher could apply for a $3,000 grant for an initial visit, and subsequently apply for $12,000 for piloting.
- Budget Narrative: 1-2 paragraphs, not to exceed 200 words.
- Student applicants should have their advisor send a recommendation letter to prior to the submission deadline or the application will be considered incomplete.
- Student applicants must have a recommendation letter from the project advisor.
- The recommendation letter should include a statement that s/he will supervise the proposed project, support it intellectually, and the expected time commitment (e.g., weekly or monthly meetings).
Incomplete applications will not be considered, and extensions will not be granted for this program. If necessary, incomplete applications will need to be resubmitted during the following open cycle.