Weiss Fund Supported Research·Mar 16, 2021

The Economic Consequences of Increasing Sleep Among the Urban Poor

Pedro Bessone, Gautam Rao, Frank Schilbach, Heather Schofield, and Heather Schofield
Weiss Fund Supported Research·Mar 4, 2021

Connecting the Countryside via E-Commerce: Evidence from China

Victor Couture, Benjamin Faber, Yizhen Gu, and Lizhi Liu
Weiss Fund Supported Research·Jan 16, 2021

Relationships on the Rocks: Contract Evolution in a Market for Ice

Tarek Ghani and Tristan Reed
Weiss Fund Supported Research·Jan 16, 2021

Rational Habit Formation: Experimental Evidence form Handwashing in India

Reshmaan Hussam, Atonu Rbbani, Giovanni Reggiani, and Natalia Rigol
Weiss Fund Supported Research·Jan 6, 2021

Does Financial Strain Lower Productivity?

Supreet Kaur, Sendhil Mullainathan, Suanna Oh, and Frank Schilbach
Weiss Fund Supported Research·Jan 3, 2021

The Political Boundaries of Ethnic Division

Samuel Bazzi and Matthew Gudgeon
Weiss Fund Supported Research·Dec 22, 2020

Home-price subsidies increase claim-making in urban India

Tanu Kumar
Weiss Fund Supported Research·Dec 16, 2020

How Research Affects Policy: Experimental Evidence from 2,150 Brazilian Municipalities

Jonas Hjort, Diana Moreira, Gautam Rao, and Juan Francisco Santini